Charming Child

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Mindy Kaisner

What does your child do that brings you to the brink? How do you recover from it?

Ooo, that’s a tough one.  Let’s be honest, we all have our days when we feel like we’re really rocking this whole parenting thing.  These days are promptly followed by falling flat on my face.  When I mess up I find the most therapeutic thing I can do for my kids & myself is to apologize.  I truly believe that my kids will remember how I handle my mistakes over those stellar parenting days. 


What's your advice for balancing motherhood and a small business?

Put your family first.  I say that with more confidence these days, but I haven’t always.  I’ve had my times of messed up priorities and I don’t wish to go back.  In the beginning of your business you think you can’t turn down any job.  I’m glad to be in a place where I can chose my work.  In the end, work comes & goes, but your kids are only kids once.  I just find that I have to plant my heart firmly in my home & let the work side of things fill in.   Also, surround yourself with good people, people who share your same values & work ethic.  These friends in business help ground me.

What secrets do you keep from your kids?

If we’re going somewhere special or fun I keep it from them till the last minute.  Nothing is more of a bummer than having to tell your very excited child that plans fell through!

What songs do you secretly sing to your kids when no one's around?

I make up songs about situations we’re in.  It’s something my dad always did & I guess I inherited.  It’s goofy and sometimes my girls act annoyed but I always get a smile in the end!

What child gear could you not live without?

A monitor!  We even splurged and got a video one for baby #3.  I’m busier than ever & it’s peace of mind when I’m working away on a project or outside.  I’m kind of crazy when it comes to my babies & sleep.

What kids book is the most fun to read to your children?

Anything Dr. Suess, there’s such a rhythm when reading them!  I think a good kids book should be fun to read out loud. The Grinch is probably my favorite & I’m always pushing the girls to pick that one.

How do you decide which priorities to focus on at the moment?

I’ll admit, I fly by the seat of my pants so I pretty much do what’s right in front of me.  I’m not a perfectionist, I find it just slows me down.  I like to juggle a lot of things, I think my brain functions better this way.

How are you different at home than you are when working?  

When I’m working on a project I get lost in the details.  The creative part of my brain is always working, sometimes I can’t shut it off!  When I’m working for a client I put on my professional hat & work hard to see the details, follow through, make notes & lists, and just overall be prepared.  I’m not like this in my personal life.  There’s too many things I want to do & need to do to take that much time & be that detailed.  I enjoy the change & the challenge both areas of my life bring.